Hero MUX Wiki

Connecting and Getting Started[]

connect <name> <password> Connect you to the game.
@password <old>=<new> Changes your password from <old> to <new>
Show you who is on the game and where.
news <file>
Shows you news files.
+help <file>
Shows you +help files for HeroMUX-specific commands.
help <file>
Shows you help files for TinyMUX.
QUIT Logs you off. Must be all caps!

Looking and Seeing[]

Shows you the description of the room you are in and it's contents.
l <name>
look <name>
Shows you the description set on the player or object named. (ex. 'l me' will show your own description)


[<text>] To move around the grid, type the letters or numbers in between the square brackets to use that room exit. (ie. [N] North is an exit. To use it, type N)
+map Displays a map pertaining to your location on the IC grid.


"<msg> -or- say <msg> Sends to the room <Name> says, "<msg>"
Ex. "Hello!
Dumbledore says, "Hello!"
:<msg> -or- pose <msg> Sends to the room <Name> <msg><br>Ex. :waves.<br>Dumbledore waves.
\\<msg> -or- @emit <msg> Sends <msg> to the room with no name attached. <br>\\The wind howls.<br>The wind howls.
p <name>=<msg><br>page <name> <name> <"2word name">=<msg><br>page <name>=<msg> Sends a private <msg> to an individual or list.
p <name>=:<msg><br>page <name> <name> <"2word name">=:<msg><br>page <name>=:<msg> Sends a pose to an individual or list.


@clist Shows a list of available channels.
addcom <alias>=<Channel>
delcom <alias>
Joins (or deletes) a channel (or channel alias). Channel names are case sensitive. Communicating on that channel will use <alias>.
Ex. addcom pub=Public (adds you to the Public channel with the alias 'pub'.
<alias> <msg>
<alias> :<msg>
Sends a message or pose to the channel with that alias.
Ex. pub Hi!
[Public] Dumbledore says, "Hi!"
<alias> on<br><alias> off Turns the channel on or off.
comtitle <alias>=<Title> Sets your title for chan with that alias.
Ex. comtitle Pub=Prof.
[Public] Prof. Dumbledore says, "Hi!"